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¡Lleva tu startup al máximo nivel!

Somos el lugar ideal para escalar emprendedores de impacto en LATAM. 

Aceleración de corporativos

CVC: Corporate Venture Capital

El Corporate Venture Capital o CVC es una forma de llevar la innovación, provocada por las nuevas tecnologías y modelos de negocio que proveen las startups y/o empresas de base tecnológicas, hacia las compañías. 

Estructura del programa

Compañías que confiaron en EF

Descubre todos los detalles sobre los requisitos del programa y otros temas clave en el sitio web de nuestro CVC.

¡Conoce a fondo el programa y da el siguiente paso!

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

    Title 01

    Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

  • Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

    Title 02

    Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

  • Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

    Title 02

    Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

  • Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

    Title 02

    Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.

¿A quién va dirigido?

Este programa está diseñado para ejecutivos de compañías que estén considerando lanzar un CVC o que ya administren activamente uno, ya sea invirtiendo en nuevas empresas, en fondos de capital de riesgo o ambos

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